Pat's Ponderings
-- just thinking out loud...
Exactly that, these are just some of my thoughts written down, mostly about Jesus and walking through this life alongside Him. I'm not going to make any promises as to what kind of topics will show up on here, but I will tell you that I always get excited about international missions and am re-learning a lot about the foundational truths of the faith. So, those will probably come up frequently.
As for myself, I want to be about Jesus, plain and simple. I want to think like He thinks, love like He loves, and go where He goes. Whatever else comes with that is secondary. Currently, I'm studying Civil Engineering with an emphasis on Water Resources at Texas A&M University. I'd like to use that overseas as a platform for doing the Lord's work among people who've never heard His Name. But, we will see where He takes me. All to His glory!
Feel free to email me with your thoughts or questions at any time.
Monday, May 01, 2006 at 7:30 AM. -- just thinking out loud...
Exactly that, these are just some of my thoughts written down, mostly about Jesus and walking through this life alongside Him. I'm not going to make any promises as to what kind of topics will show up on here, but I will tell you that I always get excited about international missions and am re-learning a lot about the foundational truths of the faith. So, those will probably come up frequently.
As for myself, I want to be about Jesus, plain and simple. I want to think like He thinks, love like He loves, and go where He goes. Whatever else comes with that is secondary. Currently, I'm studying Civil Engineering with an emphasis on Water Resources at Texas A&M University. I'd like to use that overseas as a platform for doing the Lord's work among people who've never heard His Name. But, we will see where He takes me. All to His glory!
Feel free to email me with your thoughts or questions at any time.